For many individuals and couples, the wish to start a family is present and strong. It’s a natural desire and one that is deeply ingrained in human history. But what of those who experience fertility problems? Maybe you’re worried about your age or your exposure to chemicals? You may wonder if you can do anything about these issues or whether it’s too late. Fortunately, there are now new options for fertility treatment available that can help even if you believe your chances are gone.
This article discusses new approaches to fertility. In particular, it focuses on the evolution of fertility treatments: the rise of ovarian rejuvenation.
The Evolution Of Fertility Treatment
Ovarian rejuvenation is a relatively new fertility treatment developed over the last few decades. As with many other medical advancements, it was born out of necessity and driven by innovation.
The history of ovarian rejuvenation began when doctors started to see an increase in women struggling with infertility issues due to their age. In response, they began developing new treatments that could help these patients become pregnant – and what they came up with was ground-breaking! These new therapies have helped thousands of couples conceive children who otherwise may never have had the chance to become parents independently.
What Is Ovarian Rejuvenation?
Ovarian rejuvenation is a new way to treat infertility. It’s also known as ovarian stimulation or ovarian stimulation for fertility support, and doctors can use it to treat premature ovarian failure and menopause.
Ovarian rejuvenation is a non-surgical procedure that uses hormones to stimulate your ovaries so they produce more eggs than usual during your menstrual cycle. You take medication at home without surgery or seeing an IVF doctor during this process. Ovarian rejuvenation might be right for you if you:
- Have had trouble getting pregnant despite trying for at least two years (or one year if you’re over 35) with no success.
- Have received a diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), also called early menopause.
How Does Ovarian Rejuvenation Work?
Ovarian rejuvenation is a process that uses natural hormones to help restore your ovarian reserve. It’s an effective way to boost the prospect of your getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.
Suppose you’re premenopausal and have been trying to conceive without success. In this case, ovarian rejuvenation may help improve your chances of getting pregnant. Ovarian rejuvenation can also be done as part of IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment if you’ve already begun fertility treatments but aren’t getting pregnant quickly enough.
Treating Premature Ovarian Failure With Ovarian Rejuvenation
Premature ovarian failure (POF) is a condition that occurs when your ovaries cease to function before age 40. However, it’s unclear how many people have this condition because it can be hard to diagnose. If you’re worried about your fertility declining early on, talk with your doctor about getting tested for POF symptoms like irregular periods or low estrogen levels.
Some causes of premature ovarian failure include:
- Genetics- Numerous cases of premature ovarian failure result from genetic mutations passed down from parents to children.
- Autoimmune disorders – These diseases affect the immune system and may cause infertility.
The Future Of Fertility Treatments
Ovarian rejuvenation is an exciting new treatment that could be the solution for many women who have lost their fertility. It’s also an excellent alternative to egg freezing, which is often expensive and time-consuming.
In the future, ovarian rejuvenation will likely be available to more women worldwide as it continues to gain popularity within the medical community.
Fertility treatments are improving daily, and ovarian rejuvenation is just one example of how women struggling with infertility can attain their dream conception and birth. If you have questions about ovarian rejuvenation or other fertility treatments, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your doctor for a more in-depth discussion.